Relapse Prevention Techniques

Addiction recovery is an ongoing process. The skills you learn during addiction treatment are designed to last you for life. The relapse prevention techniques you use may be different from someone else in recovery. What’s most important is finding the ones that work for you in order to help you maintain your sobriety.

What Leads to Relapse?

Relapse is what happens when someone in recovery abuses drugs and alcohol again. Although the risk of relapse is higher early in recovery, it can actually happen at any time. The better armed you are with a variety of relapse prevention techniques, the lower your chances of returning to bad habits. However, what causes people to relapse in the first place? It can be a number of things, including stress, triggers (people, places or situations), a traumatic event, negative emotions or even a seemingly benign event like a holiday party. One thing to keep in mind is that relapse involves an emotional and mental process before it gets to the physical point of actually using. If you can effectively stop it while you’re just thinking about relapse, you may be able to avoid it altogether.

What Are Some Relapse Prevention Techniques?

Many rehab facilities provide relapse prevention therapy to prepare clients for what comes next. Once they return home and settle into a new, sober life, they need effective coping skills and techniques to help them manage recovery and avoid falling back into destructive behavior patterns. Addiction specialists use an acronym for four common reasons for relapse: H.A.L.T. It stands for hunger, anger, loneliness and tiredness. Avoid them whenever possible by using relapse prevention techniques, such as:

  • Mindfulness practices, including yoga and meditation: Being mindful is a stress-reliever, as it causes you to only focus on the present moment and not relive the past or stress over the future.

  • Healthy eating plan: You should eat a well-rounded and nutritious diet. The better you eat, the better you’ll feel.

  • Regular exercise: Choose something you enjoy, whether it’s walking, jogging, swimming or dancing.

  • Adequate sleep: This is important for your physical and mental health, so try to get seven to eight hours every night.

  • Support group meetings: Talking to other people in recovery can motivate you to stick with your sobriety.

Effective Addiction Treatment With a Holistic Approach

Acqua Recovery Center is an addiction treatment facility that offers relapse prevention techniques in Salt Lake City, Utah. We provide a well-rounded level of care that addresses each client’s mental, physical and emotional needs. To that end, every patient is assigned a recovery coach upon admission, and it’s this level of individual treatment that sets us apart. For example, our services include:

With the right relapse prevention techniques, you can overcome addiction and regain control of your life. Let the experienced staff at Acqua Recovery Center guide you toward lasting sobriety. Call us today at 866.830.4628 to learn more.

Relapse Prevention Techniques

Dr. Daniel Pickrell

Dr. Daniel Pickrell
Medical Reviewer

Dr. Pickrell is a board-certified psychiatrist with interests in addiction and psychiatry. He strives to identify the underlying cause of substance use. His understanding of addiction as the overlapping symptoms of biopsychosocial development is the foundation to his care model. He is committed to helping both patients and families understand that addiction is a treatable medical illness. He has been involved in the treatment of addiction for the last 17 years and completed his residency training at the University of Utah.

Addiction recovery is an ongoing process. The skills you learn during addiction treatment are designed to last you for life. The relapse prevention techniques you use may be different from someone else in recovery. What's most important is finding the ones that work for you in order to help you maintain your sobriety.

What Leads to Relapse?

Relapse is what happens when someone in recovery abuses drugs and alcohol again. Although the risk of relapse is higher early in recovery, it can actually happen at any time. The better armed you are with a variety of relapse prevention techniques, the lower your chances of returning to bad habits. However, what causes people to relapse in the first place? It can be a number of things, including stress, triggers (people, places or situations), a traumatic event, negative emotions or even a seemingly benign event like a holiday party. One thing to keep in mind is that relapse involves an emotional and mental process before it gets to the physical point of actually using. If you can effectively stop it while you're just thinking about relapse, you may be able to avoid it altogether.

What Are Some Relapse Prevention Techniques?

Many rehab facilities provide relapse prevention therapy to prepare clients for what comes next. Once they return home and settle into a new, sober life, they need effective coping skills and techniques to help them manage recovery and avoid falling back into destructive behavior patterns. Addiction specialists use an acronym for four common reasons for relapse: H.A.L.T. It stands for hunger, anger, loneliness and tiredness. Avoid them whenever possible by using relapse prevention techniques, such as:

  • Mindfulness practices, including yoga and meditation: Being mindful is a stress-reliever, as it causes you to only focus on the present moment and not relive the past or stress over the future.

  • Healthy eating plan: You should eat a well-rounded and nutritious diet. The better you eat, the better you'll feel.

  • Regular exercise: Choose something you enjoy, whether it's walking, jogging, swimming or dancing.

  • Adequate sleep: This is important for your physical and mental health, so try to get seven to eight hours every night.

  • Support group meetings: Talking to other people in recovery can motivate you to stick with your sobriety.

Effective Addiction Treatment With a Holistic Approach

Acqua Recovery Center is an addiction treatment facility that offers relapse prevention techniques in Salt Lake City, Utah. We provide a well-rounded level of care that addresses each client's mental, physical and emotional needs. To that end, every patient is assigned a recovery coach upon admission, and it's this level of individual treatment that sets us apart. For example, our services include:

With the right relapse prevention techniques, you can overcome addiction and regain control of your life. Let the experienced staff at Acqua Recovery Center guide you toward lasting sobriety. Call us today at 866.830.4628 to learn more.

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