About Acqua Recovery
Drug & Alcohol Addiction Treatment in Midway, Utah

Rest, Reconnect, Recover from Drug or Alcohol Addiction
Active drug or alcohol addiction is exhausting, frustrating, and relentless. If you’re ready for a change, you deserve a sanctuary to rest, reconnect with yourself, and begin recovery – with a guide that will show you the way to a new way of life.
Recovery from substance use disorder is possible for anyone. Addiction is a brain disease, and there is a proper treatment.
We have the data and the experience – both personal and professional – that proves it. It takes time to unravel the lifetime of trauma and pain that underlies addiction, but we’re ready to walk that path with you. From here on out, you never have to go back.
Learn more about our approach.
Drug and Alcohol Addiction Treatment You Can Trust
Our residential Utah drug and alcohol addiction rehab is Joint Commission certified, with masters-level clinicians and more than 50 years of experience among our staff. We are members of important industry organizations such as NAATAP and CTAP, and are in-network with many insurance providers.
One call. That’s all it takes to begin breaking the hold of addiction. You don’t have to know how you’ll break free. You only have to know that you want to. We’ll help you find the way.

Rehab in Utah
This is a real photo of what your view could be while you drink your morning coffee. In fact, all of the photos of our Utah rehab are real. Acqua Recovery really is just that beautiful.
Mountains, bubbling streams, swans, and rolling hills – You’ll be surrounded by all of that and more as you begin to heal from your addiction.
Call today, connect with one of our team members, and come join us.
We’ll help you create a life you love by experiencing true connection with yourself and others – a sense of meaning in your life that lasts forever.
Take the first step to transforming your life.
Frequently Asked Questions
How Many Months Does It Take to Undergo Rehab?
The amount of time a person spends in rehab depends on their needs and the type of program they choose. It can take many months to heal from your addiction, which is why we offer treatment programs that last 30 to 180 days and aftercare services that extend even longer.
What Are the Stages of Drug or Alcohol Rehab?
The recovery process is typically divided into four stages: treatment initiation, early abstinence, maintaining abstinence, and advanced recovery. Treatment initiation refers to the first step of accepting help. Early abstinence happens during recovery, and then people learn to maintain their abstinence through aftercare and peer support programs for drug and alcohol addiction.
What Should You Do in Recovery?
The most important reminder to give yourself during rehab in Utah is to trust the process. Remember that you are surrounded by addiction specialists who are dedicated to helping you recover. You can learn about our staff on our website.
What Happens After You Come Out of Rehab?
One of the best aspects of drug and alcohol treatment is that support is always available. After completing rehab, you may opt to live in a sober living house, participate in our alumni program, and join a community-based support group.