Contact Us
Drug & Alcohol Addiction Treatment in Midway, Utah
Contact Us
We are here to listen.
We’ll do our best to understand your situation and provide the best answers, options and resources specific to you or your loved one’s addiction recovery needs. Therefore, contact Acqua Recovery today at (435) 266-4354 to learn more about our addiction therapy services and substance abuse treatment programs.
Fill out our no obligation form to connect with our helpful in-house support team. Get the answers needed to get yourself or your loved one back on track.
For all business-related contact requests, click HERE.

A Sanctuary for Healing
Are you living a life you don’t recognize? Rediscover the person you were before trauma and addiction at Acqua Recovery.
It takes time to unravel the lifetime of trauma and pain that underlies addiction, but we’re ready to walk that path with you. From here on out, you never have to go back.