Physical Signs of Alcoholism

Alcohol misuse is a frighteningly common occurrence in America. Around 27 percent of adults report binge drinking within the last month. With so much alcohol use, it’s often easy to miss the physical signs of alcoholism in yourself or others. Keep reading and we’ll walk you through some of the common physical signs of alcoholism.

Physical Signs of Alcoholism Increasing Tolerance

One of the major physical signs of alcoholism is an increasing tolerance. Tolerance happens when you use alcohol often enough that your body gets used to it. You must drink more and more over time to get the same feeling from it.

Craving Alcohol

Another common physical sign is a strong craving for alcohol. This isn’t a casual thought that you want a drink after work. Think of the craving as the kind of intense feeling that pushes out other thoughts. It can prove so intense that it makes you forget about other responsibilities like work obligations or family events.

Significant Weight Change

Alcohol abuse can affect your weight in two ways. Specifically, alcohol interferes with digestion, which can cause weight loss in some people. Alcohol also contains a lot of calories. That can create substantial weight gain in some people.

Can’t Moderate Drinking

Another one of the major physical signs of alcoholism is that you can’t control how much you drink. People without an alcohol use disorder can decide that they’ll only have two drinks and stop after two drinks. Alcoholics can decide they only want two drinks but find themselves unable to stop at two.

Other Signs

A host of other telltale signs can indicate someone suffers from alcoholism. Furthermore, alcoholics often see the sudden appearance of wrinkles or age spots. Some alcoholics get brittle hair or fingernails. In extreme cases, a person’s eyes turn slightly yellow from liver damage. Alcoholics can also lose interest in personal hygiene. They often shower, shave and brush their teeth irregularly.

Treatment for Physical Signs of Alcoholism

The most effective treatment for alcoholism is detox followed by an inpatient rehab program. Detox helps make sure you get through withdrawal without suffering dangerous symptoms. Inpatient rehab gives you access to a number of helpful therapies, such as:

Acqua Recovery Center and Physical Signs of Alcoholism

Acqua Recovery Center is a Utah addiction treatment center in Salt Lake City. Moreover, Acqua offers an alcohol-specific rehab program. In addition to the regular range of therapies, we also provide a recovery coaching program. Don’t let alcoholism wreck your future. You can overcome alcoholism with assistance from an excellent rehab program. Call Acqua Recovery Center at 866-830-4628 and let us help put you on the road to recovery.

Physical Signs of Alcoholism

Dr. Daniel Pickrell

Dr. Daniel Pickrell
Medical Reviewer

Dr. Pickrell is a board-certified psychiatrist with interests in addiction and psychiatry. He strives to identify the underlying cause of substance use. His understanding of addiction as the overlapping symptoms of biopsychosocial development is the foundation to his care model. He is committed to helping both patients and families understand that addiction is a treatable medical illness. He has been involved in the treatment of addiction for the last 17 years and completed his residency training at the University of Utah.

Alcohol misuse is a frighteningly common occurrence in America. Around 27 percent of adults report binge drinking within the last month. With so much alcohol use, it’s often easy to miss the physical signs of alcoholism in yourself or others. Keep reading and we’ll walk you through some of the common physical signs of alcoholism.

Physical Signs of Alcoholism Increasing Tolerance

One of the major physical signs of alcoholism is an increasing tolerance. Tolerance happens when you use alcohol often enough that your body gets used to it. You must drink more and more over time to get the same feeling from it.

Craving Alcohol

Another common physical sign is a strong craving for alcohol. This isn’t a casual thought that you want a drink after work. Think of the craving as the kind of intense feeling that pushes out other thoughts. It can prove so intense that it makes you forget about other responsibilities like work obligations or family events.

Significant Weight Change

Alcohol abuse can affect your weight in two ways. Specifically, alcohol interferes with digestion, which can cause weight loss in some people. Alcohol also contains a lot of calories. That can create substantial weight gain in some people.

Can’t Moderate Drinking

Another one of the major physical signs of alcoholism is that you can’t control how much you drink. People without an alcohol use disorder can decide that they’ll only have two drinks and stop after two drinks. Alcoholics can decide they only want two drinks but find themselves unable to stop at two.

Other Signs

A host of other telltale signs can indicate someone suffers from alcoholism. Furthermore, alcoholics often see the sudden appearance of wrinkles or age spots. Some alcoholics get brittle hair or fingernails. In extreme cases, a person’s eyes turn slightly yellow from liver damage. Alcoholics can also lose interest in personal hygiene. They often shower, shave and brush their teeth irregularly.

Treatment for Physical Signs of Alcoholism

The most effective treatment for alcoholism is detox followed by an inpatient rehab program. Detox helps make sure you get through withdrawal without suffering dangerous symptoms. Inpatient rehab gives you access to a number of helpful therapies, such as:

Acqua Recovery Center and Physical Signs of Alcoholism

Acqua Recovery Center is a Utah addiction treatment center in Salt Lake City. Moreover, Acqua offers an alcohol-specific rehab program. In addition to the regular range of therapies, we also provide a recovery coaching program. Don’t let alcoholism wreck your future. You can overcome alcoholism with assistance from an excellent rehab program. Call Acqua Recovery Center at 866-830-4628 and let us help put you on the road to recovery.

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