Utah Family Therapy For Addiction
Drug & Alcohol Addiction Treatment in Midway, Utah

Understanding Drug & Alcohol Addiction
Drug and alcohol addiction hurts everyone that crosses its path. If your loved one is struggling, you know that first-hand. No matter how bad it seems, you’re not alone. There is help for families harmed by the effects of addiction, and it starts with eduction.
When dealing with addiction it’s important to understand these key realities:
- Addiction is a disease.
- Your loved one is very sick.
- They need proper addiction treatment to get sober for good.
- It’s not their fault, and it’s not yours either.
- Recovery is possible for anyone.
Knowledge is power, but it can be difficult to know what steps to take from there. We can help guide you through the process to recovery.
What to Expect When Your Loved One Goes To Residential Addiction Treatment
In the time your loved one will spend at Acqua Recovery, they’ll renew their outlook and reconnect with themselves, learning healthy methods of communication and mindfulness to help them in their recovery. The trauma that fuels addiction can take time to heal and in residential addiction treatment, they’ll finally begin to take their life back from addiction. During their time here at Acqua, they’ll partake in a number of daily activities to help them heal, including individual therapy, group therapy, nutrition therapy, relapse prevention, equine therapy, yoga, and more.
From boxing to kayaking in Acqua’s own lake, your loved one will also partake in a number of experiential activities to help inspire healthy coping mechanisms they can use when they return to life outside of our sanctuary for healing. Every minute of every day is focused on helping them heal from the inside out so they can find freedom for good.
To learn more about our addiction treatment program, call our caring admissions team — Matt, Brian, and Ashlee — today. They are all alumni of Acqua Recovery’s program and will make your loved one’s transition into residential treatment seamless.

Communicating with Your Loved One During Addiction Treatment
To begin healing from addiction, your loved one needs a safe space to focus on themselves — outside of the stresses of daily life. At our sanctuary for healing, your loved one will be able to call you during designated hours only. We don’t want them to miss out on any part of the program that is key to their recovery.
Unfortunately, due to COVID-19, we are not allowing physical visits at this time.
However, you may Zoom or FaceTime with your loved one instead on Sundays each weekend.
Any questions? Just give our admissions team a call and they’ll be happy to answer any you may still have.
For questions about the admissions process and to find more resources for yourself, give us a call.

Dr. Pickrell is a board-certified psychiatrist with interests in addiction and psychiatry. He strives to identify the underlying cause of substance use. His understanding of addiction as the overlapping symptoms of biopsychosocial development is the foundation to his care model. He is committed to helping both patients and families understand that addiction is a treatable medical illness. He has been involved in the treatment of addiction for the last 17 years and completed his residency training at the University of Utah.